Women having the best orgasms of their lives while sitting in my hypnosis chair was just another day at the office for me. Sounds crazy right? But after my first thousand hours of doing Clinical Hypnosis with middle class housewives, two things became ridiculously obvious...
It's no secret that women are more emotional than men, yet you might be surprised at how much impact negative memories have on a woman.
Past breakups, broken hearts, negative comments from her boss, boyfriend, or father. These have a powerful effect at a SUBCONSCIOUS level and show up as behaviors that baffle and frustrate men.
The Good News is... there is a simple way to remove the negativity that anyone can do, and it can be done in as little as 10 minutes!
So I developed a process that ALWAYS did two things. Clear all her stored up negativity, and unleash her ability to be fully sexually responsive.
No matter if she came to my office to lose 20 pounds, to quit smoking, or stop biting her finger nails... I did negativity clearing and offered her the option to become fully orgasmic (not one ever refused).
During these hypnosis sessions women would reveal their inner-most secrets to me. Turns out the average suburban housewife has the kind of hot kinky fantasies that would make the author of 50 Shades Of Grey blush.
Most men are shocked to learn women have INTENSE Sexual Desires! Fact is, most women not only desire sex they crave it even more than men. And they have very wild sexual fantasies too.
This is why when you offer them the opportunity to become Fully Orgasmic... they say "Hell Yes!"
Combine that with freedom from emotional pain and my experience has been she will be so eternally grateful, she'll walk through fire for you!
After I retired from my clinical practice, I formed the Renegade Project to teach men how to use my methods to make women happy and fully orgasmic.
Because so many women NEED this and I can't do it alone.
So... What does a man get out of doing this for women?
Most guys have NEVER experienced a woman like this. A woman who is full of joy, fully orgasmic, highly sexual, and constantly thinking of new ways to make you happy.
But if for some reason having a happy, highly sexual woman focused on you and making you happy isn't enough, here's what men get out of the Renegade Project...
And you can do this without any major changes to yourself. With one exception...
Once you learn my methods of combining cutting edge hypnotic technique with the power of pleasure you will discover is surprisingly simple to have hypnotic influence all throughout your life.
When you know you can have this kind of powerful positive influence on people, why would you ever want to turn it off?
The techniques and methods used in the Renegade Hypnotic Conditioning Process have been refined during my 40,000 hours of clinical hypnosis and are based on the latest cutting-edge scientific studies of well known researchers like Masters & Johnson and Barry Komisaruk PhD, the author of the Science Of Orgasm.
So "it" works, no matter what age she is, no matter if she's rich or poor, or even what country she's from. I've had students use these techniques in countries all around the world such as Sweden, Mexico, and Thailand.
Using the Foolproof Hypnotic Induction your subject experiences their first trance. Trance already feels good, but we make sure they love being in trance and LOVE being hypnotized by YOU, so we add in extra pleasure. Your subject will then be excited to be hypnotized by you again.
This is where we take out the head-trash by removing negativity of past memories while keeping the valuable lessons learned. Then we turn up the volume on her positive experiences, so anytime she looks into her past... only happy memories! This process also trains the subject to how to use her imagination to create vivid sensory hallucinations.
This is where you create, change, intensify, and anchor sensations. While that might sound challenging it's actually quite easy because sensations are a product of the mind, not the body. Best part... By using this process and increasing the intensity of pleasure sensations over time... This is how you condition her to have Hypnotic Orgasms on Command!
This is a technique I invented using what I call Stacked Realities... multiple scenarios all going on at the same time inside her mind. (My students named this Inception after the movie of the same name.) This is a very powerful technique because by manipulating time inside of trance, an entire lifetime of perfect rehearsal becomes possible! Sounds impossible, right? Yet I have rooms of beginners successfully doing this on the 2nd day. We do the clearly impossible before dinner time!
These sessions are done by design. Now that she is a highly responsive hypnosis subject, you can take her from ordinary to extraordinary. At this point you have all the Renegade Tools & Techniques to give her insane self-confidence, make her feel smart & sexy, help her achieve her biggest dreams in life... Ask her what she wants and make it so!
This is what being a Renegade Hypnotist is all about. Transforming your subject into a fully aware, fully alive, fully human individual!
Hypnosis is easy. I teach kids and ordinary people off the street how to do this stuff all the time.
When I retired from my clinical practice I was widely considered one of the top hypnosis trainers in the world. This is because of the rapid results my methods get, and my proven method for turning beginners into highly effective hypnotists.
Thousands of people worldwide have learned how to hypnotize humans using famous Marknosis blend of solid theory, to-the-point demonstrations and exercises, Real True Stories, and set-piece inductions that hammer the points home and Change Your Mind Forever!
Rowdy, ribald and real. Designed to keep you engaged and teach both your conscious & subconscious mind.
Complete demonstrations of all hypnotic techniques. Everything you need to succeed as a Renegade Hypnotist.
You become a confident competent hypnotist by doing the hands-on exercises every step of the way.
Up till now the only way to learn how to do this was to travel to one of my 3-day seminars. Now for the first time you can attend 'virtually' and learn from anywhere on the planet as long as you have an Internet connection.
Essential Renegade Hypnosis was recorded in HD during one of my recent live trainings for new Renegade Hypnotists. This particular event featured a wonderful demo subject by the name of Cecilia.
Cecilia is fearless, very responsive, and does a great job of explaining what it's like for a woman to experience each step of the Renegade training process.
The process of using Trance begins with having the experience in the first place. This induction trains you to quickly and easily slip into a dreamy, relaxing, and pleasurable state of Trance.
This training reveals the beliefs I found most useful in my long and wildly successful career as a Renegade Hypnotist.
Includes compliance tests, conversational suggestions for setting the frame, establishing the 'hypnotic contract', and a complete session demo with explanation of the steps. Plus how to do a post-hypnotic interview with conversational suggestions.
Discover a simple system that will provide an endless stream of women who want to have the experience of being hypnotized. This system has been used in 30+ countries around the world.
Hypnotic influence is the core of what we do. The true nature of hypnotic influence is deconstructed and mapped out so you can exert the raw power of influence... anywhere... anytime. After all, why would you ever want to turn it off?
You will discover how to set a 'trigger' you can use to flood their mind and body with massive pleasure sensations. This is absolutely fundamental to Renegade Hypnosis, and the secret that leads to full body hypnotic orgasms.
Also known as "clearing out the crap" -- clearing negative thoughts/emotions is useful because there can be things in a person's life that bother them and remain unresolved. Sometimes these act as a road block to your work. Discover how to recognize when to use Negativity Clearing techniques.
I reveal how to move through the world with an attitude and perception drastically different than the 'average' normal person. So you can enjoy the kind of lifestyle normal people only dream about.
The name of the game is influence! There are a huge number of resources in our modern world dedicated to controlling you by controlling your mind. Discover how to use your knowledge of Hypnotic Influence to be a PLAYER instead of a pawn.
Last night I gave a beautiful young woman her first orgasm using hypnosis... and then repeated it... made it stronger... turned it into rolling multiple orgasms... spread it throughout her body... finally linking it to physical sensation so she can feel that good whenever she is having sex.
She was *very* grateful and invited me camping with her and some of her girlfriends this weekend.
Taking Mark's hypnosis class was one of the best decisions of my life!
Julias S.
Las Vegas NV
Learning hypnosis from Mark has changed my life in ways I can't even begin to describe.
Not only will you learn how to give women pleasure in ways they have never imagined, you'll also discover that these tools can be used to make your own life better and you'll become a very influential man with everyone you meet. Just heed Mark's warning that you MUST become "comfortable with power!"
Hugh Cole
Dallas TX
If you added up the all the costs to attend this seminar it would be at least $2,500. In some cases much more as people traveled from Sweden, Belgium, and the UK to attend.
But you're not going to have to spend that much. Or pay the $1,200 registration fee for the seminar, or even pay $600.
Order now and get:
I am very comfortable with my newly found power as a renegade hypnotist. However, a little tip to my fellow renegades.
When you 'build a better girlfriend' to the letter, like I have done here in Marbella, Spain, get yourself fit and conditioned first.
Why? Because when you release her, you can kiss goodbye to a good night's sleep. It is not going to happen. I have created a very energetic and very horny monster! Now it is anywhere, any time, and she does not care who is close by.
Terry Rickaby
Marbella Spain
The seminar was incredible, and both my wife and I are feeling like different people coming out of it. Immediately applying the lessons learned :).
Honest to god, your techniques have made her more open to pleasure and orgasms in the space of a weekend, than anything else we have tried over periods of months!
Jonathan W.
Seattle WA
Mark Cunningham
Creator of Essential Renegade Hypnosis and The Renegade Hypnotist Project
One of the world’s most sought after experts in hypnosis, as well as relationship coaching and sexuality training.
Mark’s unique approach is the result of 40,000 professional clinical hypnosis sessions, and results in rapid, permanent change.
Mark also discovered that the root of most emotional and behavioral problems for women was to be found in an inhibited or blocked sexuality. When the sexuality is freed, the problems go away — as Mark likes to say, “You can be neurotic or orgasmic, but not both!”
From this The Renegade Hypnotist Project was born. The Renegade methodology is designed to remove stress, eliminate negativity from memories, enhance imagination, open people up to sensuality, instill the ability for women to experience full-body orgasms at will, and to allow the healthy expression of primal sexuality in every area of life.
This program is designed for men who want to jump out of bed every day and feel masculine & strong. Men who know life is too short to be average or normal. Men who want to ask “what is the world going to give to me today?”
Our goal as a Renegade Hypnotist is for our subjects to go from ordinary to extraordinary. The same should be true for your own life as well!
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. Take 90 days to go through the program. If you don't think it's for you, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
Absolutely! All of these techniques were created and tested in my clinical practice. You can change using orgasms to other forms of pleasure. Or do it using 'blind technique' and let them choose the pleasure state in their mind. Still works gangbusters!
Yes. It works in English even if you have an accent. And it works in other languages. I have students who do both. I however only speak English so translations are up to you.
Contact my customer support team using our help desk at RenegadeHelpDesk.com. You'll usually get a reply the same day. Todd is our tech guru and he's also a great hypnotist too.
This is covered in the program. Fact is it only takes a few successful sessions because women talk. You'll likely find women chasing you and saying "do me next please."
I have a private coaching group setup on Facebook. After you purchase you join me and my top students there. You can ask your questions there.
Yes! Some of my top students are women, and are excellent hypnotists. They enjoy hypnotizing men and women. And they are regular contributors to our private Facebook coaching group.
P.S. I can open the door, talk about how fabulous it is, show you how to step through the door. But until you are willing to step through the door... nothing happens.
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